Galco Leather Tapered Rifle Sling Ambidextrous

Camping & Outdoor Gear. Military & Law Enforcement. In Business for over 15 years. Save 30-80% Off Retail. We Transfer The Savings To You! Galco Leather Tapered Rifle Sling Ambidextrous. Our RS9 rifle sling is not what you would generally find or expect in this price range. Our extensive sources of fine quality leathers have allowed us the ability to offer an assortment of rich colors and textures. For the discriminating rifleman who wants something a cut above the rest. The RS9 Sling fits 1 swivels and is available in tan rough-out, cordovan top grain, and black shrunken grain. Fits 1 sling swivels. Fully lined with non-slip rough-out leather back. Available in tan rough-out, cordovan top grain, and black top grain leather. We deliver to PO Boxes and military addresses via U. Our packages are fully insured. We may utilize signature required. Please check your local laws, rules and regulations in regards to possible restrictions imposed on goods imported. Doing that is against U. Select the reason for the return. GET THE LATEST SPECIALS & DISCOUNT COUPONS DELIVERED TO YOUR INBOX.