Camping & Outdoor Gear. Military & Law Enforcement. In Business for over 15 years. Save 30-80% Off Retail. We Transfer The Savings To You! Butler Creek Cobra Rifle Sling Leather Military 1 Swivel Size Brown – 26412. The Butler Creek Cobra Rifle Sling with basket weave finish is a leather sling that gives a look of quality and function to your rifle. The top grain leather used on the Cobra sling is incredible durable and its wide shape gives a more comfortable carry over standard width slings. Suede is used on the underside of the sling providing a non-slip surface to keep the sling on your shoulder. Finally the heavy duty stitching and quality hardware make this sling one that will last you for years of service, and look great doing it. We deliver to PO Boxes and military addresses via U. Our packages are fully insured. We may utilize signature required. Please check your local laws, rules and regulations in regards to possible restrictions imposed on goods imported. Doing that is against U. Select the reason for the return. Is one of the largest retailers of camping, hunting, tactical devices and apparel to military, law enforcement personnel, as well as, to the general consumer market. Thanks to a competitive pricing model, a wide range of high-quality products from Binoculars, Flashlights, Tactical Vests and Scopes to Apparel, Eyewear and much, much more, Night Galaxy, Inc. Has become the ideal destination for outdoor enthusiasts and tactical shoppers alike. Active on the market for over a decade, Night Galaxy, Inc. Brings you the latest in optical observation devices, tactical and outdoor gear at the lowest possible pricing. Make sure you connect to Night Galaxy, Inc. Either by signing up for our newsletters or by keeping in touch on one of our social media profiles and never miss out on a deal again! GET THE LATEST SPECIALS & DISCOUNT COUPONS DELIVERED TO YOUR INBOX.
This is a lot of five (5) Butler Creek brand (made in Canada). SUEDE LEATHER PADDED RIFLE SLINGS. Style – Cobra, item number 2652-2. Width 1″, length 36″. These rifle slings have never been used and are still in their original packaging, but they do have some deterioration light scuffing, light shop dirt, etc. Due to having been stored in less than ideal conditions.
All the shock absorbing qualities of other Butler Creek slings with an added touch of style. This sling is constructed of a tough shock absorbing neoprene to cushion the weight of your firearm and reducing fatigue.
Beautifully crafted and finished to complement the finest rifles and shotguns. Wide shoulder pad for comfort. Suede is soft, high-quality leather on both sides with Western stitching. Auto ATV & RV. Camping Hiking & Survival. Gun Cleaning & Maintenance. Optics Scopes & Sights. Packs Bags & Organizers. Patio Home & Garden. Pet & Animal Care. Swords Armor & Fantasy. Tools & Home Improvement. Bulter Creek 26522 Brown Padded Suede 36 Cobra Rifle Sling w/ Western Stiching. Actual item may differ slightly from picture Please check listing Title/Description for fit, color and size information. View more great items. GrovTec GTSL119 Molle Padded Sling w/Locking Swivels Black. Browning 122617 Heritage Brown 28 Adjustable Leather Rifle Sling. Hunter Company 27149 Cobra Padded Leather Brown Basketweave Rifle Sling. Hunter 1272B-201 Black Neoprene Sling w/2 Loops & Swivels. This listing is currently undergoing maintenance, we apologise for any inconvenience caused.
LEATHER MILITARY SLING – 1 1/4, PLAIN. From richly finished leather to our comfortable neoprene models, all Butler Creek Sling are made to last with heavy-duty stitching and quality components. Durable leather for years of service. Military has traditional two-piece construction for shooting function. Quickly adjusts to lock rifle against arm and body. Carry Strap has a sliding buckle for quick adjustment to carry or use as a hasty sling. Please check your state and local laws before purchasing this item. Ustomer service is our top priority! Please be sure to read the description thoroughly to make sure that this is the item you want before making a purchasing decision. We make every effort possible to accurately describe and depict the items. Please be aware that slight variations in color may be due to differences in lighting and computer monitor resolutions. Thank you for shopping with us. We appreciate your business! Special Notice for Items that Require Signature. Only factory defects are accepted as a reason for a return. When returning an item, it must be in all of the original packaging and include all of the original accessories or items that came with it. The item and package should be in original and perfect condition. We do our best to process as quickly as possible. Orders are processed immediately and dispatched to fulfillment as soon as they are received. For this reason, we are typically unable to honor cancellation requests. If the order has gone too far through the fulfillment process, we will be unable to cancel.
Mossy Oak Mason Creek Leather Sling. Swivels offer ease of motion. Expandable up to 36 inches. Made of tanned top grain cow hide Adjustable strap accommodates each hunter’s needs. Mossy Oak Hunting Accessories Mason creek MO-MCS-BR rifle sling leather. Hunting range gear slings. Made of the highest quality materials. Any product you return must be in the same condition you received it and in the original packaging. Please keep the receipt. We usually respond within 24 hours on weekdays. Thank you for shopping at our store.
Hunting Accessories Mason creek MO-MCS-BR rifle sling leather. Hunting range gear slings. Made of the highest quality materials Swivels offer ease of motion. Expandable up to 36 inches. Made of tanned top grain cow hide Adjustable strap accommodates each hunter’s needs.
Mason Creek Leather Sling Mossy Oak Hunting Range Shooting Rifle Accessories New. Swivels offer ease of motion. Expandable up to 36. Made of tanned top – grain cowhideAdjustable strap accommodates each hunter’s needs. Heavy duty design with suede leather on front and back. Secure & Hassle Free Shopping. Please message us BEFORE leaving Negative of Neutral feedback. This item is in the category “Sporting Goods\Hunting\Range & Shooting Equipment\Slings & Swivels”. The seller is “buy_great_deals” and is located in this country: US. This item can be shipped to United States.